Step out the Cave


Platos allegory of the cave is a call to society to question the bigger picture, to not conform, and to break free from restricting and limiting beliefs put in place by society and early childhood experiences. This is a poem I wrote reflecting on its premises.

Just like the ocean, Step out of the Cave

By: Catalina Escobar

Just like the ocean, society is a surface,

a surface that reflects what is shinning upon it.

A surface that reflects what it is being fed.

the mysteries of the ocean are much like the mysteries of the human soul and of the human essence.

Society is our cave.

In the cave we are born in a cave we die


In a cave we are born and how you die is up to one to decide

Fake news whistled down our ears with speckles of bias

Just so we can continue its blasphamy, spreading its web of lies

Social media entangles us in this nest which we so long to break free from but refuse to form our own opinion and untangle ourselves from the chords of which it has us tamed by

Better to follow the crowd than to figure out what's really going on

Ignorance is bliss they say


Ignorance is the foundation of what is absent

What is absent is not a gain but rather a lose

The with holding of information cannot be something appreciated

It is something that we as a human race must mourn

for those in the cave, escape the reality of humanity, and those outside are desperately throwing lifejackets to save the drowning 

Question everything and believe nothing

Allow for your mind to throb with the possibilities of what is out there.

Limitations are put in place by tyrants who refuse to have others question their knowledge

Limitations are placed by generations of supressed souls who were unable to unshakle themselves from the chains of the cave

Limitations are meant to be overcome

Beliefs are meant to be created, destroyed, and rebuilt

Step out the cave to see the tree

Step out the cave to see the light

Step out of your mind to see the world

Step out of your mind to see  perspectives

Step out of your comfort zone to see beyond

Or stay in it and chose to rot

If you chose to do this however, know a life of shadow and conformity follow