Phenomenon of Fashion: Epistemic overview


By: Catalina Escobar 

What is fashion? Clothes have an intimate relationship with the physical human body , personal preferences and societal influence all play factors in producing what is referred to as "embodied identity".

Many reasons have been given for following fashion including for self enhancement of ones features, for modesty, and for status and in-group belonging and out group differentiation.

When something becomes fashionable, it is out of fashion. Fashion emphasizes novelty and continous renovation. 

Within tyring to express ourselves the diffrent elements of our construed physical adornments become out of touch with certain attitudes and preferences due to the ever evolving life cycle of the fashion dictated movement. Time capsule wardrobes have become a seperate category of its own due to all the consumption made over fads and societal influence.

Dopamine is associated with the need for more rather than feeling good. Conspicious consumption : act of spending money on acquiring luxury goods and services to publicly display economic power and to compete with others. (Mair, 2018)

Psychologists have discovered that, rather than causing us to change our behavior, guilt frequently motivates us to chase the behaviors we feel guilty about.  Marketers know exactly how to pinpoint what it is an audience wants and how in their mind to change that into a need by elluding to a better sense of self or life with their product.